

Security Operations Analyst

Level 20 125932 / 141259

Max Streak

*Rankings computed based on core modules (70945 pts).
Joined in February, 2024

BeatMasterNathan earned 12 badges
Valdorian Times
Valdorian Times @ FHS
Encryptodera @ Fairdale
Super Fan
Inside Encryptodera
Balloons Over Iowa
Castle & Sand
Envolve Labs
Rap Beef
Bright Future
Jojo's Hospital
BeatMasterNathan played 41 games

Balloons Over Iowa 4405/4405

Envolve Labs: With a twist! 950/950

HopsNStuff 14265/14265

KRUSTY KRAB 1510/7360

Dai Wok Foods 8560/11600

Castle & Sand 13050/13050

DAILY7 🌎 0/4420

MCJ Walker 4990/15265

Sunlands 0/8437

Spooky Sweets 540/7640

Scholomance 90/5640

A Storm Is Brewing In the Lab 0/5670

A Scandal in Valdoria 🌟 2430/2430

Private Module 2430/2430

Inside Encryptodera 3990/3990

Solvi Systems 670/2860

Private Module 3990/3990

Private Module 4405/4405

Private Module 14265/14265

Private Module 13050/13050

Private Module 7360/7360

AzureCrest - The full version 4315/8790

System Shutdown at Azure Crest! (Short Version) 1500/4800

A Rap Beef (START HERE) 950/950

Private Module 950/950

Jojo's Hospital 610/610

VirusTotal Fundamentals 40/2620

Titan Shield (with Microsoft Defender XDR) 4000/4000

Frognado in Valdoria 730/1690

Private Module 950/950

Private Module 0/610

Private Module 210/350

A Rap Steak 460/19010

Critical Compromise In Chicago - ICS 330/2870

Private Module 3990/3990

Private Module 495/2080

Valdoria Votes 240/2750

Private Module 2932/7307

French Socksess Story 2080/2080

Turkey Bowl 240/2590

Private Module 0/10